We are working to raise contributions in the form of funds, materials, and services through both direct solicitation of donations, as well as other fundraising activities, intended for use to:
Offset a portion of Lauderdale Lakes Golf Course Clubhouse construction costs and requirements.
Completion of the lower level area (not included in the 1.2 million dollar approved loan) of the clubhouse to incorporate gathering space for a variety of family activities, community group meetings and events.
Addition of recreational amenities including but not limited to tennis and pickleball court facilities.
Enhance and develop Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District properties.
Please make your donations payable to Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District. Qualified Charitable Distributions from Individual Retirement Accounts are also accepted.
Send donations to:
Lauderdale Lakes Country Club
Attn: Treasurer
PO Box 475
Elkhorn, WI 53121
For more information contact: Dean Bostrom, Chairman
Call: 847-561-2150
Email: dbostrom@lauderdalelakedistrict.com
Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District is a Wisconsin political subdivision as described in IRS Code Section 170(c)(1). Please consult your tax advisor regarding tax deductibility, tax benefits, and limitations.
Donations come in all shapes and sizes and ALL donations are accepted with gratitude. No gift is too big or too small. If one of our programs, listed in this brochure, are not suitable for your donation, your gift can be designated for a specific part of the project. Please indicate specific project with your gift and make gifts payable to Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District.

Just as Lauderdale Lakes offers a perfect setting for activities in every season, so too can it serve as a perfect gift for any occasion. A tree tribute gift to the Lauderdale Lakes Country Club is a unique and thoughtful way to commemorate someone special or to celebrate a wedding, anniversary, or graduation.
Your tax-deductible gift will help us to restore, maintain, and sustain the Lauderdale Lakes Country Club as one of Walworth County's great public golf courses for the enjoyment of all.
A donation of $1,200 will provide for the installation of a beautiful young tree.
Trees are typically planted in the Spring or Fall, and our Superintendent will provide approved species and available locations. Once the tree is planted, you will receive a personal note identifying the tree species, location, date of planting, and a custom tree marker.
Trees provide many environmental benefits:
They absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) and convert it into the oxygen we breathe
The roots of trees often trap pollutants that would normally contaminate ground water
Trees hold soil in place and falling leaves return nutrients to the ground
Trees assist in climate control, reduce air conditioning costs and air pollution
Trees provide shelter and breeding places for wildlife
Create a legacy for generations to come!
Have a lasting presence at the Lauderdale Lakes Golf Course!
Honor a friend
Remember a loved one
Commemorate a milestone
Legacy Pavers will be placed outside of the Clubhouse in the patio and gathering areas.
Paver Levels of Support
Small Legacy Paver
7.5” x 15” Paver - $500
Each Paver offers a 4-line message with 16 characters* per line including spaces.
Medium Legacy Paver
15” x 15” Paver - $1,000
Each Paver offers a 7-line message with 11 characters* per line including spaces.
Large Legacy Paver
15” x 22.5” Paver - $1,500
Each Paver offers a 5-line message with 13 characters* per line including spaces.
Extra Large Legacy Paver (limit 6 pavers available)
22.5“ x 37.5” Paver - $5,000
Each Paver offers a 7-line message with 11 characters* per line including spaces.
*Character counts can be adjusted to accommodate a logo and message needs.
Pavers will be installed at the golf course by Spring of 2025. A proof of your paver will be emailed to you for your approval.